We have decided not to respond to OK at this time. Thank you for the prayers! If you or your group would like to volunteer we would be happy to connect you with one of the many groups already there. You can contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!
I am amazed at the saving grace of our God! Glory and honor to Him for those that have survived the mass destruction that has taken place through these tornadoes in the past few days. As I view the pictures and video of yet another catastrophic event, and am grieved by the loss of life; I couldn't help but once again be amazed by the fact that people survived. Please don't crucify me for downplaying the loss of life which is certainly not my intent. One life lost is a tragedy and our prayers go out for those that have lost a loved one! As I look at the scene of twisted metal, broken concrete, building materials and just such a massive field of all sorts of debris....if you think about it, a debris field of everything we use in this life broken and rendered useless.....how could anyone survive where nothing else does? I can't help but worship the Lord for His hand of protection!
And now you will see God's people once again pour out in droves to help the afflicted! We have been receiving calls, the first one being as the storm was taking place on the ground, of those wondering what our response will be. Please, please, please, do not respond to the scene at this time. It is understandable to want to help by responding right away but all you will do is get in the way and consume more man power (to keep you out) so the rescue workers can perform the arduous task of search and rescue. This scene ain't going away anytime soon. Everyone wants to go to the new disaster but then we soon forget about it and move on to the next "breaking news". Blessed are they that show patience and resolve to get people back in their homes many months or years after the "event". 1st Monte 12:2 As you know (if you're the one person that reads the irregular and rare website blog) we had planned on closing the camp here in Birmingham at the end of June, and to make ourselves mobile in preparation for where the Lord would lead us next. We have no idea where or when that might be, or even "if" for that matter but felt that this was the obvious "next step". Our plans at this time are to visit the area around Oklahoma City and see if the Lord would move us in that direction. We will be traveling there next week so please be in prayer that the Lord would prepare the way and guide our journey. Only HE can see the details down the road and we're counting on Him to once again "make the connections" and direct our foot steps. There is much involved in relocating; site location, site prep, housing for volunteers and housing for our family..... There are several things you can do and you already know the first two- pray and make a tax deductible contribution. PRAYER. THE most important thing cuz then everything else will follow. We will have moving costs of course (should the Lord lead in that direction) and just need finances to operate. Right now we're in need of shipping containers. We're looking at 2- 20 footers and at least 1- 40 footer. The 20 footers are around $1900 each (plus shipping) and the 40" is around $3000. This will allow us to be more mobile and we'll use them as the tool sheds and storage when on the disaster site. You can be in prayer about volunteering or even leading a team in the future! What better time than now to talk to the Holy Spirit and see if that's how He should lead you! Also, IF we were to move somewhere, we'll need help for the process. I don't know if I've ever met anyone that likes to move. Maybe moving someone else....packing, transporting, setting up..... Personally, I enjoy setting up camp but not so much the personal part or household moving. Moving our family is always a concern. Please pray about that also. Once again, to be perfectly clear; we are going to check out OK. We are NOT saying at this time that we are moving a camp there. Please pray for our family in this once again transitional time. May our lives be used to the fullest extent for the glory of GOD, whatever that entails; and may we be open, hearing and seeing. ~Monte It looks as if we will be closing the camp here in Birmingham, AL as of the end of June. We are preparing to mobilize so we're ready to move on to where the Lord may lead us next! We are not "out of business" nor will we be having a going out of business sale. :) We're just living up to those two little words in our moniker and preparing to take the "next step". God is good and He always provides. Knowing that, we keep moving, doing what we can, working with what we know.....
So what do we know? Wellll...the Central AL Long Term Recovery (where we were receiving material money for projects) had their last meeting February 20, 2013 at which time the last projects were funded and distributed to the various construction partners that remained. NSS then turned to a local partner agency, Metro Changers which we've been working with to fund some projects. Now MC is fully committed to projects for the year and no longer have funding available for additional work beyond what's committed. We will finish up the few jobs we have remaining with the teams that are coming in. We also realize that we need to get more mobile and so now we'll focus on that by obtaining some shipping containers and retrofitting them to our needs; building shelves and so on, so we're ready to move the tools and equipment. A funny thought occurred to me this morning....we stress all the time that this is about people, not projects. The projects are a platform into people’s lives to share Christ with them; and even though the projects in B’ham are ceasing, the Lord continues to work in the hearts and minds that once worked the projects! Thanks to all of the volunteers for making this camp a success! And thanks to God for continuing the work that counts! For His glory, Monte and Kim |
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