![]() ROOFERS NEEDED!! We have been swamped with roof work. We have the tools, laddervator included (shingle elevator) so you won't have to carry shingles up a ladder! If you don't know how to lay shingles, we'll train you! Willing hearts, hands, and back sorely needed! (Pun intended) It's getting close to 2 years since the super cell of tornadoes went through the U.S. between April 25-28th, 2011. ![]() Corrine Williams of Ensley passed away this past Monday. Corrine fought cancer for some time. Please keep her son Mike and the rest of her family in your prayers at this time of grieving. ![]() The family of Miss Juanita Coleman is thankful for all the volunteers! Miss Juanita's son Johnny told us that the family was so appreciative to all the volunteers that came from all over the country to work on Mom's home. Besides all the complements they've had on the home, Mom was so grateful to be able to get back in her home after the tornado wrecked it. Miss Juanita passed quietly into eternity with our Lord with friends and family surrounding her in her home this past Monday (1/14/2013). She was 64. While building her home, I had the privilege of chatting with Miss Juanita on several occasions. It gives me great comfort to know that she knew Jesus and believe that she is with Him now! When I first met her, she seemed a bit leery of me; or maybe a more accurate description - skeptical of the "system". After disasters many survivors are made numerous empty promises, as if losing your life possessions, not to mention you witnessed a horrific event as a survivor, wasn't enough! Miss Juanita just wanted her home back and stressed that. She didn't care about new things, forget new windows and siding or appliances; she just wanted to be home. We're so thankful for all the volunteers that made that possible in what we know now were her last days here! And you can see from the picture below that she was all smiles when she got her home back! ~Monte ![]() Just 2 friends figuring out life! Hmmm, I just noticed that Tommy and Patrice have the same last name even though I knew they were both Williams. They are not related nor know each other, but they both live on different ends of Trilby street. Meeting Tommy was a God thing; quite literally an answer to prayer! In May of this year we were having a difficult time getting work out of the Central AL Long Term Recovery Committee but had plenty of volunteers. One Saturday I was doing an assessment on an upcoming project and I thought "Lord, there has to be people out there who don't know where to turn, that need help with restoring their storm damaged home. Would you lead me to someone?" I drove a few blocks over to the middle of where the tornado had come through, and just had a sense that I should stay there, though not sure why. There was a roof there that looked like someone had started repairing, but other than that there was no reason to be there. Not a soul was in sight which is a bit unusual in itself; usually there are folks hanging out on a porch or something. After waiting about 15 mins., I thought "this is crazy, no one's around, why stay here? I must have misjudged my senses" so I began to leave. As I was topping the hill, a truck came by and as I looked in the rear view mirror I could see rolls of felt paper and some 3/4" boards sticking out the back. I turned around and approached the guy driving and, long story short (he appeared wary of me, understandably so) met Tommy and committed to help him with his roof. He and his wife had been living in a hotel since the storm, had insurance but they wouldn't pay, and his money for the hotel was running out. He was working that 97°day with his son and a 70 yr old friend from TN. Since we work on donations, we could only commit to getting the roof on to get the house dried in, but the Lord has provided the funding to complete the home, one step at a time! We're not quite done yet with a few odds and ends to finish, but they're in the homeGod didn't dump a bunch of money on us in a lump sum but rather continued to provide as we continued to take the "next step". What a blessing to get to see this time and time again! God is good! Rarely does He show us the blessing ahead of time; we usually need to take the next step and then He shows up! If He showed us ahead of time, who wouldn't sign up?! ~monte Whew! I'm glad that's over with! Now....
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. Romans 13:1-3 There is much that I could say, but I’ll let the WORD speak for itself as it often does! Coincidently (wink, wink) this is the verse that was "verse of the day" on Bible Gateway when I looked for the above verse……. “[Praise to the LORD] LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1 NIV WOW, now that’s cool! Pray for our authorities! ![]() Elizabeth Morris came as a volunteer with her church (First Baptist Raleigh) young adults group this past May. She felt the Lord's leading in assisting at Next Step STORM in Birmingham, AL and has been an intern with us since June. The following is a view from her eyes.... Let me begin by saying the past five months have been the most tiring, rewarding, amazing months of my life. When I decided to join Next Step Storm I had no idea I was signing up for all that’s gone on. I knew I would get to renovate homes and put on new roofs, but I’ve been blessed to be a part of so much more than that. Tommy, a homeowner we’ve come to know very well, just had surgery. We had the opportunity to see him and pray with him before he went to the hospital. It’s such a blessing to be able to share that kind of relationship with someone. Tommy’s surgery went very well. We are praying for a quick recovery. Teri Snow, a volunteer who came from California, brought a lot of joy and excitement to our week when she and the rest of her group from Inland Hills Church were here. She made a lasting impression on me. We still keep in contact, and she’s been very supportive. That's just an example of one volunteer's affect.Volunteers really are such a blessing! A majority of the time things are very positive and we have a great time. However, it’s not always smiles and fun. When I came down to Alabama I knew there were going to be things I didn’t know. I knew I would need assistance with carrying plywood or buckets full of drywall mud. There have been days that I have wanted to quit and go home. The devil was trying his hardest to get me on a plane back to North Carolina because he didn’t want me doing things for the Lord. I persevered because I know the Lord has big plans for me! As you can see, working here in Alabama has had its tough times, but more importantly it’s provided new friendships and more love for people than I could ever imagine. This is only the beginning. I can’t wait to see what God has in store next! ![]() Miss Patrice and family members can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel of homelessness as we prepare to build her home back! The wall panels of the home were built and donated by Bux-Mont Christian Church in PA. Help Build Hope is a branch of Crossroads Missions that brings the mission experience right to the parking lot of your church, which is what Bux-Mont does every year. They build a house (wall panels) and then give them away to someone in need and this year Next Step STORM, and now Patrice, was on the receiving end! Of course you all know that we are hurting for volunteers; which brings us to this....Would you consider bringing a team to help build Miss Patrice's home or others like her who remain in a broken home or no home at all? It doesn't have to be a large team and the coordination is simple. If you've ever thought about leading but are fearful of taking that step, now's a good time to cast those fears aside cuz it don't get no easier than this! (I know that's bad grammar, sorry Mom!) Announce your planned week of service in Birmingham at your job, local civic club, church, and to your friends. Collect the little bit of paperwork and team fees and arrange transportation (something like this....OK, Bill and Jean goes with me, and Harry and Sally go with Bob). Then just show up ready to serve and we'll do the rest...3 squares a day, a tempurpedic like mattress, and all the work you can handle. There is sooo much more to do here and in such a depraved area to begin with. To be honest, we don't know how we're gonna build Patrice's home! We only have two more weeks of volunteers signed up this year. OK, so we do know. GOD! Sometimes you just gotta take the next step in faith. The Lord seems to often use situations that we don't understand or can't see how it's gonna get done. "For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”" 1 Corinthians 1:25-31 Money MinistryListen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? James 2:5 I've been thinking lately....Several years ago when we were at Hope City in Gulfport, MS, we were honored to have a distinguished and highly respected guest meet with us. I don't even remember exactly what the conversation was about but it had something to do with raising finances to continue the efforts of rebuilding after Katrina. The comment was made "no money, no ministry" and it struck a chord in me for some reason at the time and I have never forgotten those few words. I really never liked that saying and couldn't put a finger on why. But as I thought about it, and realized the reasoning behind it, I had to admit that it did seem logical in today's world. Well, the saying came back to us again one night in a conversation between me and my beloved as we sat in the living room pondering thoughts together. Once again I don't remember the conversation or how the saying came up, but I do remember a new thought that came to mind "He who controls the money controls the ministry". (BTW- I just googled that in quotations and there were "0" results! So I'm claiming that quote!) It didn't strike me at the time but the next morning it hit me how profound that was! Wow! That was good! But I do realize that it's not a new concept, the Bible says in Matt 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." My new quote really hit my passion nerve. You've heard these few words a million times- "The American Dream". What is the American Dream? I didn't take the time to google the history behind this but I suspect it originally had something to do with coming to a new land of freedom, to start a new life of liberty and thereby attaining happiness. You know...Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So what is that now? It seems to me that today it means a great job with benefits, a dream home filled with electronics, techno gadgets, antiques, or whatever else pleases me, at least 2 cars in the over cluttered with junk garage, man toys of some nature, a hot tub if you're in the north and swimming pool if you're in the south, 2 vacations of self pampering a year......whatever it is that I deserve in my kingdom. "I deserve it because I worked hard for it!" Man, that sounds harsh. Back the hoarding truck up! OK, so it's not that any of that stuff is necessarily a sin cuz God looks at the heart and so it's the motivation behind the stuff that matters. I get that. Which brings us back to my new quote....you see that?! I even take pride in the quote that came from my mouth! Tsk tsk! It's not profound to me because I thought about it, it's profound because I believe the Lord spoke it into me! You hear what I'm saying? When God blesses us whether it's financially, or with a spiritual gift, or whatever; who gets the credit? Do I give the Lord control of the "treasures" he's given me, or do I make them mine to satisfy me or make me look good? **I know that I sometimes use improper grammar for various reasons, none of them being cuz I don't know no better.
[Editor's Note: This article was originally published 2011/07/02] What a great week with an awesome group! God is good and His people will come from all over to stay at this camp and be His hands and feet in this community. The storm may have been from evil, but from it God will prevail and His glory will be seen and sown! The volunteer group from 1st Assembly of God Fort Wayne, IN rocked the house this week here in Birmingham! They built the bunk beds and blessed them too! In fact, there was a whole lot of blessing going on as it seemed we never stopped moving. The group got to witness "The Basement" in action, touted as the nations largest youth group. They sat in with the Open Door Church Intercessory Prayer group Tuesday, shared at the Seniors group meeting, prayed for a guy whose house got tore up by the storm (Tony-we just pulled up, talked to him and then asked if we could pray with him. I don’t think he knew what hit him when 20 of us piled out of the van and surrounded him! J), cleaned out and organized here at the camp, had a yard sale (or giveaway), enjoyed a youth group cook-out, worked on Mary’s house in Pleasant Grove….. We’ll let the video, put together by Josh, tell the story…… We are heading back to LA in a little bit, and we’re believing in the Lord for a firm offer from a buyer! We got work to do in Birmingham!
Love ya in Christ! [Editor's Note: This article was originally published 2011/06/02.]
Hey Ya’ll! Things are really moving along and THE CALENDAR IS NOW OPEN! That’s right, you can now ALL sign up to volunteer at a disaster relief base camp in Birmingham, Alabama the Beautiful! Organize your group’s week now! EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Sorry, just gettin a little excited…. Soooo, WMC wanted to meet with the Open Door Church in AL, so a board member who happens to be a pilot volunteered his Cessna, time, and fuel to take 4 of us to Birmingham this past Monday (Memorial Day). That was pretty cool as we got to see the tornado paths from the air; definitely gives you a different perspective on things. As I looked down from a mile and a half above the earth and saw all the houses and businesses and “goings on” below, I thought about 2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” Click HERE for pictures. God knows where to find every one of us! If we’re committed to HIM, He strengthens us! It doesn’t say “if we’re perfect little angels” he’ll strengthen us. It says “committed to Him” which means we keep coming back when we hit a snag, bump, or wall. “Committed to Him” means we keep taking the “Next Step” with faith in HIM though we don’t know the outcome. Then the headset crackles and I hear an air traffic controller tell us to divert from our flight plan because of some military operations. I started to think about all that was involved in flight travel. Federal Aviation Administration, air traffic controllers, airports worldwide, NASA, military…..What would Orville and Wilbur think if they could see all that has evolved from their life paths? What about other famous people and Bible characters? Jonah was just an ordinary human like you and me; a bit obstinate but still human. His storm happened and then he got swallowed by a big fish, which you would think would make him pause and think “this is an event of Biblical proportions. Perhaps I should mind my P’s and Q’s!” Do you think Jonah would have responded or acted differently had he known his story would be told over and over again thousands of years later? Think about this! (Sorry to keep jumping around on ya, but I just thought about something.) We can make ripples, just like Jonah did, for years to come. And they could be good or bad. But God WILL have the glory! Reflect over the scriptures for a minute. Is there anything, good or bad, that happened that doesn’t eventually lead to God’s glory? ANYTHING? that skunks God and leaves Him smelling like a fish? We may surprise Him sometimes (Jeremiah 19:5), but we’re not gonna make Him look bad in the end! Why not do the “good” in the right spirit and that way we all come out smellin’ like a rose? I don’t know why I do what I do sometimes, but maybe if I start thinking more about others watching me and making waves for generations to come…..……. and if I ever choke a fish and he regurgitates me on land, I’m gonna know something’s up! Thanks to Jonah! The trip to Birmingham was a success as we met some more of our family there! You’re gonna love them! We’re excited to get started! Did I tell you the calendar’s open?!! Call now to reserve your spot! Is that cheesy or what?! Ask the Lord to prepare the way before us in this endeavor; that His Holy Spirit go ahead and prepare the appointments for us. May His will be done and no other name but HIS be praised! May many come to call on the name of Jesus, and depend on HIM to reconstruct their lives through this partnership with Open Door. Bless the good folks at Open Door many times over for their graciousness and hospitality- pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Ask that the Lord fill the camp and projects with His Spirit and bind the enemy in the name of JESUS! May God make His face shine upon you like the Birmingham sun! Monte, Kim, and the kids [Editor's Note: This article was originally published 2011/05/15]
This morning I was reading in Genesis and came across the part where God appeared to Abraham to announce the fulfillment of His promise of a son to Abe and Sarah. Right about then, at that part, I was thinking about the promises God made to the man and the time it took to fulfill those promises. God promised some land to Abe’s descendants, 400 yrs into the future, and 300 miles from his homeland. That was cool because He told him it would be his innumerable offspring, which Abe knows right up front, it’s a long time in the future. But then Abe grows older and starts to wonder how this will be accomplished since his wife is barren? So the Lord clears it up and tells him it will be from his own flesh. OK, cool, so we’re having a kid! TEN YEARS pass, and understandably Sarai starts to question how this is gonna happen, so she takes matters into her own hands and makes a way. OOOPS! Wrong way. Unfortunately, Abe bit into the apple….oh, sorry, got my stories mixed up. ;) We all get on Abe and Sarai’s case because this all happens in a couple of pages for us, but you gotta give em some slack. TEN YEARS went by! I get anxious if a couple of days go by without some results! (No, I’m not saying they’re excused for the wrong decision either.) Ishmael was born when Abe was 86. THEN another 13 yrs goes by, still no son of Sarai, and God appears to Abe and says the promised son will be there next year. The promise is fulfilled 25 years after it was made! I need to have a little more patience for sure! But now we’re back at the beginning of where I started. God appears, with 2 of His angels, once again to Abraham. LISTEN to this, this is the part that hit me today! God and his angels appeared to Abraham as 3 men, and we pick the scene up here in Genesis 18: 9-15…. the Lord told Abraham that Sarah would have a son this time next year. Sarah (89 yrs old) is listening behind the Lord’s back and can hardly keep from cracking up but keeps her composure as she thinks to herself “After I’m all worn out and my husband is old, will I now have this pleasure?” Then the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But he said, “Yes, you did laugh.” God and His angels appeared in human form as strangers. They not only knew her name but knew her thoughts as well. Reminded me of “the little old ole lady from Van Cleve, MS” that I just referred to in an update (5-4-11). If you don’t know the story, it’s about a trip (Kim’s first) that we made to Gulfport, MS in January, 2007. We came to look at the area to see about housing for our family as we were contemplating moving down from IN to help at a volunteer camp called Hope City. After work on weds, we drove all night and arrived sometime Thursday morning. The founder of HCRN, Kevin Cox, says to me all bubbly “Hey, I got something I think will work!” “Oh yeah?!” I said. He said “yeah! Follow me! and took me and showed me these big M.A.S.H. looking green canvas tents. “Look at this one! We put a bathroom in it and already made it into an apartment! We could divide them into rooms for you and the kids and maybe even connect the 2 tents together!” Now keep in mind that I’m feeling a little groggy and grumpy, and my heart just sunk. Knowing the weakness of my flesh condition at that particular moment, I just kept my mouth shut. As I felt that “sick” feeling, I knew that (sick feeling) wasn’t in line with what our spirits had been experiencing up until then, and I prayed in my head “Oh Lord, this isn’t what you brought us here for! (That sick feeling) Direct our path!” I murmured something like “that’s nice” and off I went to take a nap. On Thursday night’s at the camp, the volunteers were given the option of going out. If Kevin Moss was there, there was no option of where to go, only IF. He would only allow you to go to “The Shed”, and that was ok as most of the volunteers enjoyed a night at this local Bar-b-que shed. And a shed it was, no, really! So, our family is setting there at a table by ourselves, and this little old lady with red hair and a cane walks up to Kim and starts talking. It’s so loud in the crowded little chicken coop add-on, that I can’t hear Kim from across the table! So this lady gets done with Kim and comes over to me. Now I wasn’t paying much attention as Kim is always talking to someone, so it wasn’t unusual for that part. But then she comes over to talk to me and I’m thinking “Oh great! Kim started this and now I’ve gotta finish it!” That old lady started rubbing my right shoulder; got right up by my ear and said “Young man, you’ve got decisions to make and I’m gonna pray for ya! Sometimes I see these things and I like to tell it when I hear it!” I’m thinking “yeah, sure lady, let’s just get this over with” as I smile but can’t look at her as she’s right up waaay inside my comfort zone! She continues on, all the while wearing my shoulder out……. “You know when I was a youngin and I was fixin to get married, my husband had 2 brothers that were both preachers and I said to him “if you ever think about doin something like that, I’m outta here!” Well, guess what? My husband becomes a preacher and the Lord puts a callin on my life! Sometime in my thirties I start reading the Word and every time I open it up it says “sell your possessions and give to the poor” or “sell your possessions and follow me”. Is that all you have in this book of yours Lord?! Then He wanted us to move and I’m thinking why would I want to give up everything I have and move?! See, cause we had a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with 2 cars in the garage and a boat on the side. We had azaleas in the front and fruit trees in the back. Why would I want to give that up? You have decisions to make and I’m gonna be prayin for ya! You just remember that you were told by a little old lady here in Van Cleve, MS.” And off she went on her cane. I looked at Kim and said “What did you say to her?” You see I’m thinking that Kim had shared our story with her, told why we were here. Kim said “She asked my name, and I told her, then she asked your name, and I told her.” “Yeah, what else?” “Nothing. That was it. My name and your name”. “But you told her what we were doing here, right?” By this time she’s a little perturbed. (with gritted teeth) “I TOLD HER MY NAME AND YOUR NAME.” Ok, I’m thinking, “She’s (the lady’s) a part of the group of volunteers”, so I looked at Kevin Cox a couple of tables away and said “Who was that lady?” He shrugged and said he didn’t know and I’m thinking “yeah, right, he put her up to this!” “C’mon! Who was she? Is she a part of the group?” He said “I don’t know, maybe she was an angel!” and we all turned around to see her and she was gone! Remember, this was a crowded, no walkway, shed, about 50’ to the door and she had a cane. And there is no way Kevin could have known what had just taken place. Why did he even say that?! (Enter - spine chills.) So on the way out, I’m trying to process what just happened, kicking myself for not paying better attention. I’m thinking about what was just said and the order of things, thinking she extracted information somehow and then made it appear “psychic”. After being convinced that she wasn’t a “plant”…… there was no way I could explain how she told me my thoughts! Thoughts that I hadn’t shared even with Kim! AND she quoted the scripture that I had been reading! I don’t know why I felt I should share this again. Maybe you’re in a place where you wonder what God’s doing. You’re being obedient to what you feel he’s called you to, but now it seems like He’s not there and you’re questioning if you missed something somewhere. Maybe you feel like He has something more for you, but you pray and pray and just can’t seem to connect to what it is. LISTEN! Our timing is not God’s timing! He sees you! He knows the desires of your heart! He has defeated kings, sickness, and even death, raised the dead, calmed storms, fed many with little, made an old couple have kids…….. He hears you! And nothing is too big for HIM! STAND FAST! Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up! I was recently given this verse and it keeps coming back because I’m so stinking wishy washy sometimes…… 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Remember that God’s love is enduring! That means that it is not exhausted but excruciatingly patient! He is waiting patiently and not condemning the world as it deserves, so that everyone that can be saved will be saved! We’re heading to AL tomorrow to meet with some folks about possibly setting up another volunteer camp. Please pray that the Lord would go before us and prepare the way. May HIS will be done! From there we’ll be following the yellow brick road to IN (that’s kinda funny because our van was recalled and failed the test and Ford put us in a van with license tags from Kansas) We’re definitely not in Kansas anymore, but we’ll be back in the Hoosier state before you know it! Love to all! Keep the faith! Monte, Kim, and the kids |
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